Howard County Legacy Leadership
​Institute for the Environment

Environmental Learning and Stewardship in Howard County, MD
Two HoLLIE Events for 2025!
Jan 16, 2025 Webinar
HoLLIE sponsored a webinar presentation by Electrify HoCo and Electrify Our Future on the impacts and future of electrification.​
HoLLIE is supporting efforts to update Howard County building codes to reduce greenhouse emissions. However, even if you don’t live in Howard County, this webinar includes information about fossil fuel impacts on health, methane emissions, financial benefits and the future of electrification everywhere.

May 8, 2025 - Save the Date
All-day symposium With Nasa Scientists!
Details will be sent to our mailing list.
If you aren't on our list, email
November 4, 2023
Climate Change
Climate Change Solutions Symposium
Nov 4, 2023
Owen Brown Interfaith Center
Columbia MD

Thank you to everyone who attended our 2023 Climate Symposium
“Climate Change: Imagine What We Can Do Together!”
Special thanks to our co-sponsor hosts,
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia Climate Change Task Force
The symposium was not recorded, but the speakers have provided links to some of the presentations below.
Speakers 2023 Climate Symposium

Timothy Lattimer
Administrator of the HoCo Office of Community Sustainability
Formerly Senior Advisor, Office of Global Change, U.S. Dept of State
As a former climate diplomat and current Administrator of Howard County’s Office of Community Sustainability, Tim Lattimer will describe the Howard County government’s “whole of government” approach to implementing its new “Climate Forward” action plan. He will also discuss how we can bring “all hands on deck” to build a “whole of community” effort that ensures Howard County’s long-term leadership in tackling the climate crisis.
Action Plan -
Dashboard -

Mike Raupp, Ph. D.
Emeritus Professor of Entomology, University of Maryland
Fellow of the Entomological Society of America
What a warming world means for plants, pests, and beneficial insects
We will review evidence for climate change, mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, and what it means for changing weather patterns around the globe. We will see how warmer temperatures alter the status of native and non-native insects in our region. Learn how warmer temperatures affect arthropod abundance, distributions, seasonal phenology and interactions among plants, herbivores, and their natural enemies.
Mike Raupp's "Bug of the week" website:
This youtube link lets you subscribe so it appears when written in your email:
Mike's UMD site, with papers, talks, & credentials:

Wanda Prather, M.S.
HoLLIE Coordinator, Retired IT Specialist, Democracy Activist
Becoming an Advocate for Climate Policy
We can no longer ignore the connection between legislation and the fight against climate change. Whether we like it are not, climate activists have to be aware of politics and become active advocates.
Learn how to become a Climate Policy Advocate without taking a lot of time or making yourself crazy!
To download presentation click here.
What's your Environmental Passion ???
Whether you have a lifetime, a day, or an hour, there is something you can do to help!
Hover or tap on the circles to find what interests you most, then click Go! to see a list of related local organizations and web resources.
You can start small and still help a lot!
How to get started:
Explore the circles​
Click Go! to see a list of web resources and related environmental organizations in and around Howard County​
Visit their website​
Join their email list and stay informed​
Attend a meeting in person or online if you can​
Volunteers are needed for everything from office work and making phone calls to event staffing, research, outdoor work, and nature walks. There are often opportunities to help from home.
You can make a difference!
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